Monday, October 22, 2007

Got here and no "Signs" of Citrix

Usually when attending iForum there are signs, banners and people in the airport with Citrix shirts and of course the backpacks that symbolize iForum's of the past. I was the only "Sign" of Citrix tonight, that I saw, at the airport (backpack from last year), and at Mandalay Bay tonight. I went walking around to try and time my walk from The Luxor to the convention and didn't see a single sign that pointed towards the convention. I even went as far as the escalators to head upstairs. There was registration tonight for people who were here before me and I hope they figured out where to go without any directions. I don't think GPS's work for finding your destination inside the convention center. I'm sure by tomorrow morning they will be up so the newbies can find it.

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